“In late December I mailed out some book marks to several other “peace” organazation. I, of cource left some at the memorial in Copley Sq, Boston – – after the marathon tragedy of April 15, 2013. Best Wishes�~Barbara A.- Arlington MA
“Every time I pass a card to a stranger it makes me feel great! I really feel this is going to spread all over our planet! Thank you!�~James Hart-
“Thank you very much for your most recent donation of the ‘We Are One’ bookmarks. I am very grateful for your kindness to the prisoners her at our local correctional facility. Each women will receive the bookmark card. I am happy to raise the awareness to the women that we are truly are all members of one family.�~Sr. Mary Ann- USA
“Thank you for the inspirational bookmarks and cards. I am a High School teacher here in Toronto. We just finished celebrating a week we call ‘One Community’ where we highlight the many differences we have in our school community but in reality we are speaking of One — one dance but many different ways of stepping into the dance, one prayer but many different languages reciting the prayer, one way of feeding our hunger but so many different foods and ways of preparing this food. At the end of this celebration, we gave the bookmarks and cards to all the students and staff here at the school. So thank you for helping us truly celebrate ‘One Community’. Many blessings on your continued work.�~Maxine Blair- Canada
“My niece was going to be in a St. Patrick’s Day parade. Her mom purchased a big bag of candy for her to distribute. She was pretty excited as this was her 1st parade and she thought it a great honor to hand out candy. A couple days before the parade she took special care to sort it out and divide it up in bags, all ready for the day. As it happens there was a girl she goes to school with that comes from a very poor family and has very little. She was sad that she had no candy to pass out at the parade. When it came parade time her mom told her to go grab the candy and she confessed that she had given it away to the little girl at school. Well, her mom was taken by surprise at her act of kindness but she had no time to replace it. My niece said its okay mom, I’m going to give out these cards instead. And so…..these cards were given out by a special little girl as she walked proudly in the parade that day. I had to share this in its entirety to see the kindness in a child’s heart. For her to be proud to hand out these cards. Life is in the simple things. Thank you for this opportunity. All because you had the courage to reach out, it multiplies in many ways.�~Jackie Kluesner- Wisconsin
“I keep a card in my wallet to always remember to treat others with love and respect.�~Mike Voelkli- Ohio
“I received a card from a random person on the street. It really made my day.�~Ryan Rougeux- Minnesota
“The holidays are a great time to spread cheer and peace.�~Mat Kuzma- New York
“I ordered 2,000 cards and distributed them with each purchase at my store. My customers love them and the idea. Peace on earth.�~Nick Gallagher- California
“These cards are making people interact- all over the world.�~Nate Regina- Florida
“Treat people how you want to be treated.�~Anna Wilson- Alaska
“I gave one card to a friend and two to my neighbors who I’ve never met. Now we greet each other each time we cross paths.�~Lindsey Geiger- Arizona
“These cards impact people’s lives and make them think how their treating others.�~Carolyn Nelson- Colorado